The Righteous Gemstones is an American black comedy crime television series created by Danny McBride that premiered on August 18, 2019, on HBO. The series follows a famous and dysfunctional family of televangelists. It stars Danny McBride, John Goodman, Edi Patterson, Adam DeVine, Cassidy Freeman, Tony Cavalero, Tim Baltz, Skyler Gisondo, and Walton Goggins. The series has aired three seasons, and was renewed for a fourth in 2023.
The Righteous Gemstones depicts a family of televangelists and megachurch pastors led by widowed patriarch Eli Gemstone (John Goodman). Eli and his immature children, Jesse (Danny McBride), Judy (Edi Patterson) and Kelvin (Adam DeVine), lead opulent lives funded by church donations.
In the first season, Eli’s estranged brother-in-law, Baby Billy Freeman (Walton Goggins), is brought in to lead the Gemstones’ new shopping-mall-based satellite church, which leads to a conflict with Rev. John Wesley Seasons (Dermot Mulroney) whose smaller, neighboring church is threatened. Concurrently, a trio of masked figures blackmail Jesse with a scandalous video documenting the lewd behavior of him and his best friends.
In the second season, Jesse and Amber partner with Texas megachurch leaders Lyle and Lindy Lissons (Eric André and Jessica Lowe) to develop a Christian timeshare resort. The family faces threats including investigative journalist Thaniel Block (Jason Schwartzman), an old friend from Eli’s criminal past Junior (Eric Roberts), and a mysterious group of motorcycle-riding assassins.
In the third season, Eli scales back his involvement in the church, handing over greater control to his children. Eli’s impoverished sister, May–May (Kristen Johnston), resurfaces, asking for his assistance in keeping her family safe from her ex-husband, Peter (Steve Zahn), a vengeful militia leader who holds a decades-long grudge against the Gemstones. Meanwhile, Judy’s affair with a musician while on tour leads to bitter consequences in her relationship with BJ.
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