Ted (stylized as ted) is an American fantasy comedy television series created by Seth MacFarlane for Peacock. The third installment in the Ted franchise, it serves as a prequel to the feature films. It stars MacFarlane reprising his role as the voice of the titular character, alongside Max Burkholder, Alanna Ubach, Scott Grimes, and Giorgia Whigham. It premiered on January 11, 2024, and received positive reviews from critics.
Set in 1993–94, in between the opening sequence and main plot of Ted (2012), the series depicts the early life of a sentient teddy bear toy named Ted, as he lives with 16-year-old John Bennett and his family in Framingham, Massachusetts.[1] In addition to John and Ted, the Bennett household includes John’s father Matty, his mother Susan, and his cousin, Blaire, who is living with them while attending a college nearby. Ted is soon forced to attend school with John, getting him bullied and in all sorts of trouble.
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